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A Guide to Nanny/Governess/Maternity Nurse Qualifications


In April l994 the Council for Awards in Children’s Care & Education combined the Council for Early Years Awards (CEYA) and the National Nursery Examination Board (NNEB). This merger formed a single authoritative body for making awards in Children’s Care & Education, in 2015, CACHE became part of NCFE & offers various courses of training- among them:

  • The Diploma in Nursery Nursing (NNEB) now called CACHE level 3 a 2 yr full time course. (Most Nursery school teachers have these qualifications and it covers child development 0 – 7 years)
  • The National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ’s) in Childcare & Education
  • The Certificate in Childcare Education (CCE) l year course
  • Advanced Diploma in Childcare & Education (ADCE) l year full time course

Montessori Diplomas

These courses are structured around the teachings of Maria Montessori directing children’s natural activities so that they can learn spontaneously.

City & Guilds

City & Guilds offers higher level qualifications in a wide range of subjects including a full suite of childcare courses from early years practitioners to working with young people & their families.

B/TEC National Diploma in Caring Services-Nursery Nursing

This course is for the more academic Nanny allowing students to follow a variety of career paths.

Bachelor of Early Years

This is a 3-year degree that explores the psychological approaches to learning and also studying the social construct of childhood and child developments. In the final year the student will do various placements, and cover the social and emotional aspects of teaching and learning in more depth.

BA Education

This is the degree qualification that most primary and secondary school teachers hold


The post graduate certificate in education, PGCE courses are subject specific although the course tends to focus on developing the understanding and ability to teach the subject rather than learning the subject itself. Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) is a professional qualification that is awarded by the National College of Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) when a person can prove that they meet all of the Teachers’ Standards and criteria. QTS is required in England to teach in a state school that is under local authority control and in special schools. It is most commonly gained alongside or as part of a (PGCE) qualification.

Private Colleges

There are now 2 private training colleges, Chiltern and Norland College, Princess Christian college has now closed.

Maternity Nurses

May have trained as a nurse/midwife or will have specialist baby experience & undertaken associated courses such as a Maternity practitioner course (non-medical)


These nurses will have gone through a 3- or 4-year training course. Working in all areas of the hospital system and then possibly specializing in an area of medical expertise.


There are a multitude of qualifications relating to qualifications to work with Children who need extra support when learning.

Experienced Nannies/Mothers Helps

These Nannies have had no formal training but will have worked as a Nanny in the private sector before registering with us. A Nanny with varied experience can be just as good as her counterpart.